Click Here: 2001 July 28 a Few Pictures of My 79th Birthday Celebration Day


What is in a name?


A name in different society groupings are very multitudinous in meaning.  However in a straight forward community, a name is what it is and that is all it is.  The name is not intended to have any flattering or disparaging intent.  As time passes there may be a nickname, title or a name change, etc.

Here are a few examples; Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle, Sister, Brother, these are family titles.  There are job and position titles.  There are also honorary titles.  By now you may be thinking about titles you hear quite often.

A prevailing society group all to often dictates what is not fitting for all concerned.  The turmoil throughout the world demonstrates this continually.  The extinction of much that was good and wonderful becomes a vague historical memory.  These memorable histories are often lost beyond redemption.

My name being, homah tohmah totah, did not fit in the prevailing society of my birth year.  In the internet society of today, my page in history becomes, and my e-mail is

Hopefully, vague history will not be lost and will at least, be somewhat rejuvenated.

Thoughts By Homer Owen Carter Sr.


My Ancestors                 - January 22, 2004

Interpretations of Words - March 14, 2002

Frugality Versus Waste

Marjorie's Skylight Room

Just A Good Old Country Boy Says

Animals & Plants As Hobby Or Otherwise

Legalized Commercialization and Destruction of Nature - Maybe yes Maybe no

Historical Tales About Family, Life, Happiness, Woes, Etc. of Homah Tohmah Totah

Vocabulary Differences

Regards to fitting, right, proper, correct

Sometimes I wonder 

Thoughts By Marjorie Carter

77 years with fish (That is 77 in 1999)

Marjorie's Page


Short Sayings/Phases By Homer Owen Carter Sr.


Year 2000

Year 2001

Click Here For

Temperature Conversion ---- Windchill Calculation

Relative Humidity Calculation -- Heat Index Calculation

Pictures for viewing

May 19, 2000


2005 December 24

Marjorie's Vegetable Garden Slide Show

Click on the Slide Show Date for viewing.

August 8, 2000 - 27 slides

Please Note: Close slide show Browser when all done viewing slide show

First Snow of the Season Slide Show

Snow at night on October 9 into the morning hours of October 10

Click on the Slide Show Date for viewing of the snow storm aftermath

October 10, 2000

Please Note: Close slide show Browser when all done viewing slide show

Take A Ride on the Tropical Fish Road To Marjorie's...

Starting from the intersection of U.S. Route 2 and Tropical Fish Road, Canaan Maine

Click here.

Nicholas and Great Grammie Marjorie

November 12, 2000

Click Here for Nicholas Web Page

Roundtable Discussion Of Year 2000

Roundtable Discussion Of Year 1999

Greeting Cards By Homer O. Carter

To Paul's Mother



Items Knitted with a Knitting Machine


Interesting slogans by Homer O. Carter, Sr.

Slogans were used on Marjorie's Flyers from time to time.


"I have them..."

Marjorie's Husband    Marjorie's Tropical Fish & Pets    Courtney's 

Garden & Lawn Ceramics

  Sponsored by:  Cyrus Carter Enterprises

©1999-2005 Homer Owen Carter, Sr.  - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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